Therapies Offered
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
With Bernd Monecke
TCM is a healing system that has been tried and tested for more than 2000 years. It includes the complementary methods of acupuncture, herbal therapies, massage (Tuina), nutritional therapy and Qigong. Acute and chronic diseases can be successfully treated with TCM. It is used, among other things, in pain therapy, allergies, metabolic disorders, and tinnitus. TCM has proven its worth in smoking cessation, in the psychosomatic field and in personal life crises.
Read more on the page Chinese Medicine.
Holistic Physiotherapy
With Chris Saleski
Holistic Physiotherapy combines wester and eastern knowledge of humanity, and of human health and recovery. The method allows therapies to be tailored to individual needs and requirements. The spine, the central axis of the body, with all its diverse functions, is often the focus of attention. Problems with the musculoskeletal system, as well as internal and neurological diseases, can be closely followed and treated.
Read more on the Physiotherapy page.
With mehr zu Chris Saleski or Bernd Monecke
Shiatsu is a Japanese body and energy massage, applied to the clothed body. It is suitable for recuperation and relaxation, as well as specific health problems such as back problems, joint problems, and internal diseases. Shiatsu can be a beautiful and effective combined therapy for mother and child during and after pregnancy, and has proven itself as a body-oriented supplement to psychotherapeutic processes.
Read more on the Shiatsu page.
With Chris Saleski or Bernd Monecke
Qigong can be described as meditation in movement. It supports the development and maintenance of lifeforce or energy, and consists of easily-learned movements. Qigong eases tensions, and regulates breathing, organs, and nervous system. Through regular practice, Qigong can activate your body's own healing powers.
Read more on the Qi Gong page.
With Bernd Monecke
Reiki is a method that allows for mental clarity and deep relaxation, through the laying on of hands and through mental exercises. The body’s core energy is strengthened, and reserves of energy are replenished. Acute and chronic diseases can be treated, even in combination with other methods. Reiki can be easy and quick to learn, to help both yourself and others.
Read more on the Reiki page.
Gift certificates
Gift certificates for all therapies and courses are available from the practice.